Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Dealing With and Healing Unresolved Stress with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Dr. Nicole Huffman



Have you felt more tired recently? Maybe more pain, brain fog, memory loss, trouble sleeping, or maybe all of the above? These are all symptoms of stress, whether that’s the everyday variety or unresolved stress hidden deep within your body. Dealing with your stress can unlock a new way to live your life. Dr. Nicole Huffman is on the podcast to talk about the emotional arm of your health and how you can release the stress from your body that’s preventing you from living your life to its fullest. [0:50] Dr. Nicole has lived in many different places, but after falling in love with horseback riding a couple of years ago, they were looking for a new home and found a place that came with a horse and two donkeys. It became the obvious choice. [3:00] Horses teach you about the energy that you bring into a room. If there is something going on with you, the horse is going to feel it. This plays into the idea that our physical health has an energetic component. Other people may put up with your energy but a horse will