Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

First - Do No Harm! with Dr. Anna Cabeca



It’s important to be empowered regarding your health and any intervention you are considering, especially if you are pregnant. Dr. Anna discusses two cases from recent history of medical interventions that were once approved for use with pregnant women, but turned out to have serious side effects, and explains why it’s important to make your own decisions regarding your health.  [0:05] Do no harm is part of the Hippocratic Oath that doctors take which essentially means that doctors are students of harm, and deeply understand the risks and benefits of medicines and procedures. [0:45] There have been a couple of interventions done in the past that were approved until we better understood the long-term consequences, but the initial push back on an intervention is often met with ridicule. [2:00] Dr. Anna recently published a Facebook post saying that pharmaceutical companies should be held liable for vaccine injuries which was met with not one, but two people shaming her for her viewpoint. [3:30] DES was initiat