Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

How To Acquire Emotional Mastery



This week on The Girlfriend Doctor Show, Dr. Anna talks about emotional mastery and how to gain your confidence back with Dr Joan Rosenberg. Joan I. Rosenberg, PhD, creator of Emotional Mastery™ and Emotional Mastery Training™, is a highly regarded expert psychologist, master clinician, trainer and consultant. As a cutting edge psychologist who is known as an innovative thinker, trainer and speaker, Joan has shared her life-changing ideas and models for emotional mastery, change and personal growth in professional and educational seminars, psychotherapy sessions and graduate psychology teaching. To learn more about Dr Joan Rosenberg visit: Dr. Anna Cabeca empowers the modern women to escape the suffering and stereotypes of menopause, returning her to an energetic body, a clear mind, a connected spirit, and a shining example of feminine love. Come along on a fantastic health journey with Dr. Anna Cabeca and join our thriving community to learn tips to keep you happier, healthier