Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

How to Raise Your Energetic Vibration



Raising your energetic vibration is something that all women should prioritize throughout their lives. Even if this is something you’ve never thought about before, this episode with Jay and Monica Campbell will enlighten you to the benefits of a high vibe life and give you insight into how to achieve one for yourself. Key Takeaways How to raise your vibration: Lower your insulin signal Build muscle Increase your cardiovascular health/heart rate  Understand the balance between sound body and sound mind About Jay and Monica Campbell A former champion men’s physique competitor and current 4x international best selling author in the optimized health care space, Jay Campbell is a global thought leader on hormones, biohacking, fat loss, and higher consciousness. Jay is a NO-nonsense, authentic, and fully transparent guy (in a day and age when being hyper-masculine is frowned on), and FEARLESS in his servant mission of leading humanity towards full-spectrum optimization of the body-mind, heart, and soul. Since ret