Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

How to Have Compassion for Yourself



It’s time to stop the negative talk to both yourself and the people around you. We’re introducing conscious communication from here on out. I’m joined by Mary Shores to talk about how she created this communication model to positively impact her personal and business relationships. Key Takeaways What’s on the Do Not Say List: No Not Can’t  Won’t However Unfortunately About Mary Shores Mary Shores is an innovative collection agency owner, communication expert, and best-selling author who transforms people's words to help them fall back in love with their customers. Fifteen years ago, Mary discovered a game-changing formula to connect to your customers and clients. It all started with a do not say list and grew into an entire strategy that will fix your relationships. Change Your Thoughts: Change Your Life Mary shares with us the story of her childhood and what led her to start her own business as a debt collector. It’s such an emotional tale but is one that has such a positive outcome. Mary tells us the exac