Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Magic Menopause



Staying positive is one of the keys to navigating your way through menopause without thinking you’re going crazy. Or worse - giving in to the panic and despair you might feel! I invite you to join my Magic Menopause program where you can experience these changes with other women who get it. Key Takeaways Don’t give up. Let’s take this one day at a time. You can go forward two steps at a time. [7:45] Have a self-care day. Go out and treat yourself to a day at the spa, relaxing, and just enjoying your own company. This will do wonders for your mental health! [11:30] Love is the most healing emotion. You can heal your hormones and heal your health by reigniting love in your life. [19:00] About Magic Menopause Coming into this season in our life doesn’t have to be a scary, stressful time. And it doesn’t have to be anything like what our mothers went through. Yes, our bodies change again. Yes, our hormones fluctuate. And yes, this can absolutely cause our moods to shift. But ladies, I want you to know that you h