Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Healing Your Gut Issues With Enzymes



If your body isn’t producing enough of the right digestive enzymes, you might need a little bit of help. Supplementing the enzymes you lack will help improve your digestion and overall health. I’m joined by Steven Wright, co-founder of The Healthy Gut Company, to talk about how he healed his gut issues by experimenting with enzymes. About Steven Wright Steve is an engineer who developed the Specific Carbohydrate Diet to help combat the incredible digestion issues he had since he was 13 years old. Then, he ordered his first supplements and started his first diet, but by 23 he was crying daily in bloating pain. The panic attacks, depression, and constipation were threatening his “successful” life as a consultant. After years of struggle, Steve discovered the secret to gut health and started the SCD diet with his co-founder, Jordan. They’ve now released their own strain of enzymes and give detailed plans of the SCD diet so that other people can feel the benefits of good gut health, too. In this episode, Steve ex