Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Does Your Current Diet Really Allow Your Body To Thrive?



When it comes to the food we eat daily, it’s astonishing to learn how our farming practices have changed so much over the decades. It used to be possible to consume all our necessary vitamins and minerals through food. But now, it’s become a bit of a minefield to ensure we’re reaching recommended daily values and consuming food from sustainable sources. On this episode of Couch Talk, I’m joined by Autumn Smith, co-founder of Paleovalley, to talk about how she healed her body by switching to a paleo diet. It was almost out of nowhere that, as a teenager, Autumn started showing symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as SIBO and IBS. However, at the time, not much research was done into this area of health, so doctors were stumped as to what was causing her to feel unwell. As a professional dancer, Autumn was fit, but she describes herself as unhealthy as she gives us a glimpse into what a typical day in her life would have been. But with the help of her husband, she completely overhauled her diet. These changes i