Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Increase Your Longevity! The Science of Telomeres



ON TODAY’S COUCHTALK WE WILL BE TALKING ABOUT “REVERSING AGING”… So excited to have as my guest today, Dr. Bill Andrews.  I’ve known Bill for almost a decade, and I’ve watched him really just push the envelope in so many areas of physical health, and in particular, relating to the science of maintaining healthy telomeres and literally reversing aging. For those who aren’t familiar with telomeres, they are the tips on every one of your body’s chromosomes.  Why Are Telomeres Important? Science has shown that our telomeres get shorter as we age. And they get shorter when we have a disease, are chronically stressed, etc! So clearly a better understanding of what will shorten and lengthen our telomeres is important to living longer…and living more healthily. What’s so interesting about our discussion during this awesome interview is the perspective between “slowing aging (or slowing decline in our health)” vs. “reversing aging”. We discuss the science behind telomeres and telomerase (an enzyme identified as havin