Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Your Vibe, Energy and Life



Today, my very special guest on Couch Talk is Robyn Openshaw. Robyn is an author of 15 books and is known as the “Green Smoothie Girl”… but she is so much more. Our conversation was fantastic and far-ranging…we talked about her reality TV show gig on the program, “Wife Swap”…oh, my goodness…so interesting and hilarious, too. But more importantly we talked about the stunning revelation that changed her life and her family’s as well… and that went on to change the lives of 100’s of thousands of people worldwide. From Green Smoothies and Whole Foods, to Energetic Frequencies Some 10 years earlier than her “Wife Swap” exploits Robyn was in her 30s and on many medications, weighed over 200 lbs.; was struggling after miscarriages and had finally been able to conceive only to have a son who’s health started to fail when he was 7 months old, his illness eventually threatening his life. No-one could seem to help and she took over her family’s diet, got rid of processed foods and focused on a strictly whole foods diet