Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

The Thyroid Connection



Today’s Couch Talk guest is Amy Myers, M.D. So delighted to get the opportunity to interview Amy Myers, M.D., author of, “The Thyroid Connection: Why You Feel Tired, Brain-Fogged, and Overweight – and How to Get Your Life Back”. Did you know that one in eight women suffer from thyroid dysfunction? During our talk, Dr. Myers shares her own personal thyroid and autoimmune journey. She emphasizes the many vital differences between conventional approaches versus the integrative functional approach to therapy and healing. So interesting; and so important in discovering what is going on in your own body. Dr. Myers feels the number one thing most people diagnosed with a thyroid dysfunction initially do is wrong. Simply taking medication alone is not the solution. In contrast, she believes that an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle should be the initial steps to treatment; removing foods that are inflammatory as well as reducing toxicity exposures due to mold, household products, personal care products, systematic