Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), PTSD & the Hormone Connection



If you or someone you know have had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in your life, whether a fall, a game hit as in football or soccer, car accident or other or have had a diagnosis or maybe mis-diagnoses of PTSD please listen in. Sometimes PTSD has masked underlying diagnoses of a TBI. Dr. Mark Gordon has focused his career and treating this underlying illness and the neurosteroid and hormonal imbalances that have resulted. In this podcast we discuss the evaluation, workup, testing and treatment interventions that have worked in clients who have suffered for even over 40 years and have been helped and cured by treating the underlying hormonal dysfunction. We discussed the benefits of progesterone in both men and women. The use of testosterone and of specific nutrient support. Mark’s website is and he has scholarships available to clients via the Warrior Angels Foundation. Meet Dr. Mark Gordon: Dr. Gordon has been a strong advocate of preventive medicine thought