"a Reagan Forum" Podcast

Leadership Abroad: Peace Through Strength



As we shared with you last week, we gathered at the Reagan Library on June 5, 2024, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the passing of President Reagan. The day was a meaningful opportunity to reflect on our 40th President’s legacy and its enduring impact to this day and beyond. In a CBS piece that aired the night of President Reagan’s death, Leslie Stahl concluded, quote, “Ending the Cold War will certainly be how he is remembered most in history.” If that was President Reagan’s crowning foreign policy achievement, then Peace Through Strength was his most important guiding philosophy. As such, in today’s Reagan Forum Podcast we focus on the second panel from our June 5th event – Leadership Abroad: Peace Through Strength. The panel was moderated by Fox News’s Guy Benson.  He sat down in discussion with Former UN Ambassador and President Reagan’s Arms Control Director Ken Adelman, who is also the author of Reagan at Reykjavik, Paula Dobriansky, who served as director of European and Soviet Affairs on the Re