Collège De France (général)

Conférence - Karl-Oskar Lindgren : Breaking the Cycle: Education's Role in Reducing Political Inequality



Philippe AghionCollège de FranceÉconomie des institutions, de l'innovation et de la croissanceAnnée 2022-2023Leveling the Political Playing Field: Can Democracy Deliver on its Promise of Equal Political Opportunity?Conférence - Karl-Oskar Lindgren : Breaking the Cycle: Education's Role in Reducing Political InequalityIntervenant(s)Karl-Oskar LindgrenProfesseur de sciences politiques, université d'UppsalaRésuméIn a famous statement, Alexis de Tocqueville once highlighted the love for equality as a defining characteristic of democratic nations. Yet, despite this observation, inequality of political opportunity remains widespread in most developed democracies. Individuals born into economically or politically marginalized families are considerably less likely to grow up to become politically active citizens than their more fortunate peers. Over the years, many suggestions have been made on how to break this chain of political inequality. This lecture will focus on one widely proposed solution: improved education