Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#179: Crafting a One-Liner that Aligns Your Team and Elevates Your Brand



Frustrated your marketing isn't working? Stuck wondering why customers aren't clicking "buy now"? Imagine turning that around in just five minutes. Get the help you need to clarify your message and grow your business with our free 5 Minute Marketing Makeover video series. Get immediate access to the 5 Minute Marketing Makeover video series at   --   Often the difference between a team that does well and one that doesn’t is how clearly they communicate. For most businesses, it's not that they lack good ideas or hard workers, it’s that their scattered approach to messaging leaves employees confused and customers disengaged. Solving this problem starts with fixing how you talk about what your business does. So what’s the first step toward streamlining how your team communicates their core message?   As part of Business Made Simple’s Marketing Month series, guest hosts Dr. J.J. Peterson and April Sunshine Hawkins (of the Marketing Made Simple Podcast) focus on how to align a team wi