Ripley Radio

Exploding Head Syndrome and Kissing the Blarney Stone - Episode 178



This week on Ripley Radio, the official radio program of Ripley’s Believe It or Not! features a fellow who has kissed the famous Blarney Stone in Ireland. Chad Lewis claims that it has helped him with his gift of gab. In our popular Weird Medical Malady of the Week segment, Jodi Pliszka explains the rare Exploding Head Syndrome, in which a person experiences strange and strong auditory hallucinations while sleeping. Additional Weird and Wacky Facts you’ll Hear on the March 10 Episode of Ripley Radio: The Safe House restaurant in Milwaukee has been named by Readers Digest as one of the weirdest places to eat in America. What makes it weird? There are no exterior signs, the doors stay locked and you need a special password to get in. Agent Shauna, the official spokesperson for the spy-themed eatery fascinates Ralf with her stories; As a student project at an Iowa high school, teacher John Cisna went on a 90-day diet, eating only at McDonald’s and ended up losing 37 pounds and becoming much healthier. Cisna t