Ripley Radio

Space Beer and The World’s Largest Chicken Nugget - Episode 165



How does a beer brewed with meteorite dust really taste? Or, how about diving into the world’s largest chicken nugget? That’s just two of the weird stories we explore this week on Ripley Radio, the official radio show of Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Additional Wacky and Unbelievable Stories on the Dec. 2 episode of Ripley Radio: We triple-dog-dare you to travel to Hammond, Ind. to admire a new statue commemorating the movie classic, “A Christmas Story,” which highlights that horrifying moment in the film when Ralphie’s friend Flick is dared to lick the frozen flagpole in the middle of winter. We talk with city officials about the statue and the fame the movie has brought to the city. Jodi Pliszka tells us that drinking full strength soy sauce can be fatal and Chad Lewis reveals where this year’s hot festivals celebrating the bad dude of Christmas, Krampus, will be held. Australia’s Boom! Bap! Pow! provides the catchy musical egress this week with Suit.