Ripley Radio

Turning Blue, Garlic Ice Cream and Dr. Doolittle- Episode 152



Imagine having a weird medical malady that turns your entire family BLUE! Jodi Pliszka tells us all about that group of blue people this week on Ripley Radio, the official radio program of Ripley’s Believe It or Not! You’ll also learn of a real-life, modern day Dr. Doolittle who successfully talks to the animals. Additional Weird, Crazy, Bizarre and Strange Stories on the July 22 Episode of Ripley Radio includes: a big-time Barbie Doll collector whose home has been over-run by the 3,000 Barbies in her collection; Chad Lewis hits the road again this week and tells us about two non-mainstream family festivals – John Dillinger Days and the Garlic Festival; Angela reports on modern day cannibals, and Ripley’s archivist Edward Meyer talks about items in the Ripley collection pertaining to cannibalism, including two different heads of proven cannibals; and TV personality and comedian Mitch English’s attempt at trying to think of a cannibal joke is much funnier than the joke he comes up with!The family pop act fro