Strictly Anonymous

043 - Big Momma the Lesbian and her Partner are Trying to Have a Baby



Big Momma the lesbian and her lesbian partner are trying to have a baby. They've tried a couple IUI's but they didnt work. Now they're faced with what to do next. Should they have a baby with the help of a male friend, stick with artificial insemination or move onto IVF. If you've been trying to have a baby and you've been having trouble this podcast is for you.    **To see anonymous pics of my female guests + gain access to my PRIVATE Discord channel where people get super XX naughty + hear anonymous confessions + get all the episodes early and AD FREE, join my Patreon! It's only $7 a month and you can cancel at any time. You can sign up here: To Join SDC and get a FREE Trial! click here: or go to and use my code 37712 Want to be on the show? Email me at or go to and click on "Be on the Show" Have something quick you want to confesss while remain