Prince Handley Podcast




PRINCE HANDLEY PODCAST REAL MIRACLES UNIVERSITY OF EXCELLENCE ALGORITHMS USING AI FOR TERRORISM PREPARE NOW AND PROTECT YOURSELFYou can also listen here >>> LISTEN 24/7 BLOG ~ Blogs and Podcasts BLOG ~ Blogs of Uniqueness.Scroll down for all posts. LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and Prophecy Note: You do NOT have to sign in: Just click the "X" on "Sign in" to dismiss it. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom.____________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF THIS TEACHING In this message I want to alert you to the Coercion of Algorithms PLUS the Imminent Threat of Terrorism. However, I specifically want to inform you HOW to PROTECT yourself against both. AI runs off of algorithms, but not all algorithms are AI—neither are they all the same. They’re developed with different goals and methods. An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the capability of computer systems or algorithm