Cabral Concept: Wellness | Weight Loss | Anti Aging I Detox L Functional Medicine

3067: Organic Corn, Vitamin D & B Injections, Topical Thyroid Hormone Cream, Alopecia Areata & Mold, Detox Reactions (HouseCall)



Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows! This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track! Check out today's questions:    Lara: Hi, dr C. :) If something contains either ORGANIC corn starch, ORGANIC corn flour or ORGANIC corn meal (“polenta”), or just ORGANIC corn in general, would you eat it and if so how regularly? Are there benefits to eating corn (if it’s organic)? And secondly, why do some people experience menstrual cramps and some don’t? And also why do some people have cramps/pain even when ovulation occurs? Thank you for all your help and support you provide us daily, you’re amazing..   Tiana: Hello! I've been thoroughly enjoying your podcast—it's been incredibly insightful and uplifting. I'm thrilled to share that after completing a 21-day detox, I'm amazed by the results and the comprehensive explanations of my lab results during my recent appointment. I’ve become curious about some health-related topics, namely