Stark Reflections On Writing And Publishing

EP 370 - Questioning & Reflecting with Becca Syme



Mark interviews Becca Syme, an author and a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach who has been helping writers with coaching success alignment for more than a decade. Prior to the interview, Mark thanks Patrons and Buy Me A Coffee buddies, shares comments from recent episode, a personal update, and a word from this episode's sponsor. Learn more about this self-publishing/WIDE-publishing focused cruise. In the interview Mark and Becca talk about: How Becca deals with unexpected situations such as someone being late for a virtual meeting (Mark was 20 minutes late getting to this interview) and how this aligns with her strength of "Arranger" The Clifton Strengths personality metric and how Becca uses it to help writers Mark's top 5 strengths and Becca's top 5 strengths The pros and cons that come with a strength such as Empathy How emotions can have residue - that emotions are not false just because they're fictional Becca first taking the Clifton Strengths in 2005 and then immediately wanting to become certified a