Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-7-22



news birthdays/events what sound(s) could slash your stress level? word of the day news game: quiz game: feud how to save BIG on school supplies news alternative pets should we be hiring more grumpy and lazy workers? game: calendar trivia news what fat free and/or vegan food tastes just as good as the real thing? when are you at your most irritable in the day goodbye/fun facts....spoonerism day. Both the word and the holiday are named for William Archibald Spooner —a prominent reverend and scholar. On July 22, 1844, this absent-minded professor was born and became famous for his tendency of mixing sounds. i.e. runny babbit instead of a bunny rabbit. During his 60-year tenure at Oxford University, he taught history, philosophy, and religion. His thinking was so quick that his mouth couldn’t keep up.