Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-8-05



News; birthdays/events; when was the last time you went liming?; word of the day. News; what dangers/risks do you face in everyday life?; experts say happiness is a choice so you need to reframe your brain; new alphabet. News; game: quiz; game: feud; lunchboxes that are $100...for kids!!! News; game: calendar trivia; actual things people email their landlords about; goodbye/fun facts....National Couscous Day...the fluffy, delicious, and versatile grain that originated in North Africa.It is similar to rice or pasta. it's easy and quick to prepare; it can be eaten plain or mixed with either salads or brothy stews. It also pairs nicely with roasted meat or vegetables and stir-fries. It’s low in calories and a good source of fiber, protein, and the antioxidant ‘selenium.’ there are 3 main types: Moroccan: The smallest and most common type (at least in the U.S.) a little larger than semolina...Israeli or pearl: About the size of peppercorn and resembles small pasta pieces, and Lebanese: is the largest