Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-8-08



News; birthdays/events; have you ever heard of carjitsu?; word of the day. News; game: is ashley as smart as a 5th grader; have you ever looked something up online or watched a video then got tons of product info in your feed?; besides winning the lottery...a list of things that would make us happier. News; game: classic commercial jingles; have you ever been to a concert where the band was booed?; fake ramen prank. News; game: general trivia; besides ketchup...a list of what people prefer to dip their fries in; goodbye/fun facts....National Dollar Day commemorates the day Congress established the U.S. monetary system in 1786. It was on that day that they set the value of various coins, how they would be made, e.t.c. Paper money dollars are currently known as Federal Reserve Notes and their designs were based on the Spanish dollar...and those didn't come about until 1862, when the United States printed its first dollar bill. but it wasn't George Washington. The first dollar bill featured Salmon P