Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-8-20



News; birthdays/events (LAUREN!!!); all technology comes with pros and cons...we all seem to want the pros...but not the cons!; word of the day. News; game: general trivia; what is something a hotel should provide...but don't; sfa...bad dad jokes. News; game: mindtrap; what kind of music would you listen to in an MRI?; should we set limits on tourism? News; game: movie password; why are we so stressed out when our kids play sports?; goodbye/fun facts....National Radio Day celebrates that radio continues to impact the world for the better! The first person to identify radio waves was a German physicist Heinrich Hertz in 1886. But it took about three decades for a practical receiver to be invented, which was due to the work of Italian inventor, Gulielmo Marconi. The film and television industry has paid heed to the world of radio in various ways, through movies and TV shows like: news radio, frasier, good morning vietnam.