Robot Monk Xian'er

Dont live in other's eyes 1



人生活在这个社会中,总会与人打交道,很多人活在他人的眼光中,痛苦不堪。As youknow, people living in this society always have to deal with each other. Butmany living in others’ eyes gave way to helpless misery.让智慧来帮助我们战胜这些烦恼吧。Let thewisdom help us out of these afflictions.1、问:今年大龄未婚,前不久工作也没了,越来越自卑自闭,不愿外出也不愿与朋友联系,害怕别人嘲笑瞧不起,心态很不好。请老师指导。 I amabove the average age for marriage but still single. And I lost my jobrecently, feeling more inferior and depressed. I don’t want to go out or keepin touch with my friends, afraid of being laughed laugh at or looked down upon.I've been in a very bad state of mind. Master, please give me some advice.    答:人生的路是要自己走的,不是活给别人看的。因为害怕他人的眼光而不能面对自己人生的困难,是一件很傻的事,别人不会为你的人生负责。The roadof life is to walk by yourself, not to live in others’ eyes. It would be quitefoolish to fail in facing the difficulties in one’s own life for fear ofothers’ opinion. In fact, no one but yourself is responsible for your own life.