Robot Monk Xian'er

Thinking from others’ perspective does not equal to arbitrary imagination



Thinking from others’ perspective does not equal to arbitrary imagination Putting self in others’ shoes does not mean one can act accordingly to his own imagination.For instance, when face to face discussion is necessary, one cannot avoid such discussion using not bothering others as an excuse.Sometimes, not bothering others is indeed thinking from others’ perspective.Other times, it is just one’s own imagination such that one does not have to get out of comfort shell.   不要妄自“代人着想”当然,换位思考、代人着想也不能限入妄想。例如相互之间的必要交流,不能以“代人着想”,怕打扰别人的名义而不去交流。怕打扰别人,有时候是代人着想,有时候是自己的妄想,为了保护自己而把自己装在套子里的借口。