Hope In Source

Sacred Charity (Austin Chen)



How does rationality/ea and faith intersect? Austin Chen joins me to explore the overlaps between Catholic upbringing and EA principles. We discuss his car wash story, tithing/earning to give, the concept of utilons and fuzzies, creating secular liturgies like Taco Tuesday, the tension between being agentic and the savior complex, on rest and waiting, and seeing the uniqueness of each person amidst the systems we create. (Recorded May 2024) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/charity(00:00) - Jewish Culture and Rationalism (00:57) - Growing up Tithing (02:16) - Car washing for missions to earn to give (03:49) - Ebbs and Flows (05:32) - How far does a dolllar go (08:49) - Separate your utilons and fuzzies (09:55) - Assumptions in value (11:24) - EA as at it's best a meta-framework? (13:18) - Friends vs Movements (15:42) - Continual commitment (18:56) - Babel and Pentecost (20:16) - The Mystical Body and Taco Tuesdays (24:23) - Agentic or Salvific (26:08) - Humility of Sabbath (28:22) - Efficiency and Waiting