Tierra 100

Our Chores(我们的工作)



Our Chores我们的家务活Every morning my sister and I clean our rooms.每天早上我和妹妹打扫房间。When we are finished,we go downstairs and have breakfast with our parents.我们做完后就下楼和父母一起吃早餐。Next,we help wash and dry the breakfast dishes before we go to school.然后,我们在上学前帮着清洗和烘干早餐盘子。We have a dog.His name is Rex.我们有一只狗,名叫Rex。Every morning and every night,my sister and I take Rex for a walk with our mom or dad.每天早晚,我和妹妹会与爸爸或妈妈一起带着Rex一起散步。We also give him food and water.我们也给他喂食物和水。On the weekend,we help mom and dad vacuum the house.周末,我们帮爸爸妈妈打扫房间,We like to help keep the house clean.我们喜欢帮忙让房子保持干净。Word Listchores:housework 家务活vacuum:use a machine to clean the floor,stairs,etc.用吸尘器清扫