Baker Street With Thom Pollard

When The Strong Fall: The 1996 Everest Disaster - CONCLUSION



They say that gong to the summit is only halfway. And nowhere was that more true than on May 10, 1996 on Mount Everest. On that day Everest became the stage for one of the most harrowing disasters in mountaineering history. Eight climbers perished in a brutal storm, and as the world tried to make sense of the tragedy, a chilling truth emerged: success on Everest isn't just about reaching the summit—it's about surviving the descent. In Part 2 of our deep dive into the '96 Everest disaster, we uncover the unsettling facts that point to two ambitious guides, Rob Hall and Scott Fischer, whose decisions played a pivotal role in the events that unfolded. The stakes were high, the clock was ticking, and the mountain demanded its toll.IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN PART 1 YET, HERE IS THE LINK: who lost their lives during storm of 1996-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------South/Nepal:Yasuko Namba (client) - JapanRob Hall (own