Weirdly Magical With Jen And Lou - Astrology - Numerology - Weird Magic - Akashic Records

Weirdly Cosmic Astrology 21˚ Virgo New Moon Sept 14 2023 | VEHICLE OF DIVINE SERVICE



It's time to become a vehicle of divine service in highly practical ways. Louise looks at what this 21˚ 58' Virgo New Moon tells us is both coming and asks of us. ~ Virgo 22. A fruit whose seeds always produce a new and different type of fruit. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Sensitive(Degree Angel: SEHEIAH (say-HAY-ee-YAH) Soul Mats, Longevity, Releases body and mind from negative emotions)You are highly aware that nothing is ever the same, that, as Heraclitis says, one can’t step into the same stream twice. This means that you bring into this reality a sense of utter freshness that is always and instantaneously renewed. How liberating this can be to people! All you need do is share yourself and your insights, and everyone is renewed.The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “ A woman writing with the tip of her fingernail.” No tool such as a pen or a pencil stands between the self and the writing, meaning what is communicated is direct, as close to the self as possible. This degree is capabl