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Weirdly Cosmic Uranus Retrograde 23˚ Taurus Aug 28th 2023 | INNOVATION REVOLUTION



Uranus stations retrograde on Aug 28th 2023 at 23˚ Taurus, the most human of numbers, and the number of Chaos Magic. BIG changes are coming for humanity as we are asked to make radical changes to how we live on and with the Earth to bring healing. The symbols for the station (24 Taurus) give direction: The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A man with no mouth.” This image seems, of course, on first glance as a handicap. But the man has obviously made it to adulthood (he's not a child) without eating. So the image is about a very deep and primitive form of independence. It also implies that the individual is beyond words, is, instead, a person of action – one who deals with tangibles more than concepts.The Kabbalah tells us of the great importance of even very small things, and so this researcher into microbes is highly observant, and, like Sherlock Holmes, can deduce much from scant information, can turn what seems like a very little into a great richness.Pleiadian Symbol:A shaman's bag full of many