Grit And Grace

Do You Have to Believe in Magic for it to Work?



Do you have to believe in magic for it to be real?Tahverlee challenges this intriguing question by exploring what it means to hold beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities. She reveals five powerful steps to uncover and transform these beliefs, starting with exploring deep-seated perceptions about self-worth and ending with tracking the changes these practices bring into our lives.By integrating the vital practices of daily energy work and mindfulness, Tahverlee shows that you can begin manifesting the life you desire, proving that an open mind and consistent effort are key to unlocking your magical potential.Join the Month of Magic this October, a transformative journey for both beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Discover rituals, tarot, elemental magic, and more to unlock your inner power.Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur, High Priestess, Ritualist, and Initiate of the Sacred Way. Visit Moon Temple Mystery School for ancient teachings for our modern world, spiritual coaching, and eve