Voice Of Achievers

Women Uplifting Women- Cheerleaders @ Work and Beyond



“Nothing sustains motivation better than belonging to a tribe that uplifts and serves as a sounding board. It transforms a personal quest into a shared one.”-       James Clear, Atomic Habits As more and more women drive households, teams, organizations, and nations, we take a quick moment to recognize a force that they reckon with.Dive into this short and crisp episode discovering womanly bonds and dive right out to connect with your cheerleader! May the wonder woman in you find your safe space. We’re listening to you.Don’t forget to follow us on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple, Google, JioSaavn, Gaana or wherever you’re listening to us!You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia,For partnerships/queries send you can send us an email at bonjour@eplog.media. DISCLAIMER: The views expressed on all the shows produced and distributed by Ep.Log Media are personal to the host and the guest of the shows respectively and with no intention to harm the sentiments of any individual/