Voice Of Achievers

Training in the age of millenials- Skills required to thrive as entrepreneurs and professionals



“Knowledge isn’t power until it’s applied.”- Dale CarnegieIn an age where various online platforms are offering knowledge driven and skill-development courses digitally, how does one approach training and development? What is the best way to apply the newly acquired knowledge in the workplace?Employers and employees, professionals or entrepreneurs; as we step into the new financial year, what are the skills we must acquire?Ms. Pallavi Jha, Chairperson and Managing Director of Dale Carnegie Training (India), answers all the above questions and more in our financial year special episode of Voice of Achievers. She comes with an experience in training and development, HR, management consulting and business restructuring and has also been on the board of the Maharashtra Council and the Confederation of Indian Industry. Watch out for the parts where she shares insights about virtual teams and shared goals in organizations.Visit https://www.dalecarnegie.com/en for more information about training and development.Writ