Science Salon

The Future of Global Order and America’s Influence



Edward Goldberg analyzes the United States’ emergence as the global liberal hegemon, detailing its geographical and economic advantages that led to its post-World War II dominance. He argues that America’s shift from merely being an international police force to acting as the world’s central banker solidifies its unique global role. Goldberg further considers how this leadership affects both the country and individual American citizens. Goldberg’s expertise in international political economy gives insight into how the U.S. has maintained its global leadership. As a central figure in international business and academic circles, he evaluates whether the United States is still capable of managing global crises like climate change and financial contagion, as well as the challenges posed by competing world powers. Shermer and Goldberg discuss: the historical factors that led to America’s rise as a global leader, including its economy and political culture. They explore the future of U.S. global dominance, its alli