Maximise Your Potential Podcast

Max#2: Maximise your job interviews (part 1 of 2)



Top 10 job interview hints and tips; this podcast offers exclusive interview advice when job hunting, ensuring that you are able to prepare yourself in a manner to enable you to have the best interview possible. Job interviews are extremely stressful, especially if you have been in the same job for a number of years and are suddenly thrown into the world of job hunting. Due to excessive nerves, most people often commit basic errors within their job interview, which can have a major impact on their success - YET, so many of these issues can be avoided with some simple preparation. So, take the time to listen to this two-part interview. The content will enable you to immediately improve your performance at your next job interview and give you the best possible chance of securing the job you really want. The podcast features an interview with Jo Taylor, Jenrick Group Marketing Executive who, along with Philip Fanthom, Managing Director of Jenrick IT, recently vounteered their time at Kingston University's 'Bo