Spin Cycle Radio

The Imp of the Perverse



Aired 11/17/06 The Imp of the Perverse What on earth is OJ thinking? What makes him want to give what clearly everybody is going to regard as a detailed confession? It reminded me of a short story from Edgar Allen Poe, sort of a more intellectual version of The Telltale Heart. called The Imp of the Perverse.In the meantime there are just so many great possibilities for this new genre, the Hypothetical Tell-All Expose. And there are a lot of other recent newsmakers with potential hypothetical blockbusters in the making.Tags: OJ Simpson, Media, Mark Foley, Jack Abramhoff, Ted Haggard, Podcast My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-8a7d164b4a101ea426de210f7b80f109}