One Gay Guy

The Beasts of Henagar



The Beasts of Henagar As a gay man who went to see beauty and the beast I want to share some of my sentiments. Director of the movie, Bill Condon made a comment that there was a “Gay Moment” in the movie and suggested the charicter LeFou (Gaston’s sidekick) was the one who had it.  Now I saw the movie folks.  I don't even know if I even went to see it because i love the movie as much as I went to see it over the uproar it caused.  I had to see for myself what the stink was about. And before I share what I believe the “Gay Moment” was… I want to take a minute to discuss all the drama this caused. A Theatre in Alabama….you know one of those places where their bible is shoved so far up their asses as children  that the only thing that comes out of their mouths as adults is psalms…. yeah thats the place! They got wind of this comment and before they could even see the movie they banned it…. sparking a vicious debate about gay characters on television as well as prompting questions around what “a gay moment” is  a