George Digianni Health And Wellness

150lb Loss Fat To Fit



My guest is Ford Baker who contacted me because he felt it necessary to share his story on air to help others who struggle with his former poor habits.   Ford is a former overfat person who lost over 150lbs and has kept it off for three years Ford has 3 goals.    1. He wishes to help others who judge overfat people for eating horribly and not exercising to understand that they are fully aware of how they look.    2. To share what the impetus was that created this huge change   3. To motivate others with his Today I Can message for everyone who struggles the way he did.   We will learn the mind of a former fat guy, the impetus behind his change, how he changed his attitude toward himself, and how he committed to positive change and persisted through hard times.   How did he stayed consistent in his effort to keep his weight off and be the example he needed to be for his family and others who struggle with their health?