Digital Media Branding Podcast

How To Target Computers, Smartphones & Television Sets With Your Content



Hello and welcome to Media On Q Episode 4 Hyper Syndication Part 2. My name is Carlos Quintero. Today we are going to explore techniques that are useful for those of us who are content producers.  So if you create content for your blog, website, social media posts or even web video for YouTube or Vimeo…this will be right up your alley.  This is part two of a two-segment podcast. In part one, which is Media On Q Episode 3 Hyper Syndication Part 1, I share information with you about where exactly you can find your target audience as well as an overview of how RSS feeds can help you. In part two, we’ll talk about how to target content to Computers, Tablets and Smart Phones and even Television sets. I’ll also share with you and possibly remind you about the important point in successful marketing and we’ll make sure to cover some tools that can help you keep everything running. What’s the idea or functionality behind Hyper Syndication?  Well, hyper syndication helps you create content once and distribute it acros