Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

Ep. 17 – Ditch These 3 Things For A Truly Leveraged Group Coaching Program



Group programs are meant serve a lot of people at once, which can quickly become overwhelming. So how do we make things easier so you can keep your sanity? Let’s dive in to 3 tips I’ve laid out to help you in your group coaching business. 3 Tips For Group Coaching Programs Ditch the Drama – Does everything have to be hard? Things are easy than you think, and usually all the stress & complications are only in your head. Shift your mindset to a point where you KNOW you can launch your program, and let it be. Ditch the Doors – Leaving your doors open once or twice per years is not the only way to run a group. Set up an automated system that will let you accept new members at ANY TIME, always sending them appropriate content and letting them start from the beginning. This way, you only need to perfect your system ONCE. Ditch the Fluff – Your goal is to create content and thus create VALUE. But this cannot only make you overwhelmed if you go overboard, but can quickly turn into spam. Focus on creating and giv