Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

Ep. 13 - Sales Expert Steve De La Torre's 3 Steps To Outsourcing Your Sales



I’m happy to have on today’s show Steve de la Torre, a sales expert and a Market Like A Nerd coach. He’s best known as being the host and founder of the Fitpro Inferno Podcast, where he digs deep into the minds of successful fitness professionals. He’s been in the fitness industry for 19 years, and has also worked in the marketing space with many different companies during that time. He’s got a wealth of knowledge regarding marketing and sales calls to offer our audience today.   Time Stamped Show Notes 0:00 – Introduction 3:10 – Working smarter. Steve’s #1 trick for working smarter, not harder is to dissect your daily/weekly tasks into “eliminate, automate and delegate” groups. Draw out 4 columns on a piece of paper. Column 1: write out every task item you do on a daily/weekly basis. Column 2 – Eliminate: write out the tasks from the first column that you can remove from your workload. Column 3 – Automate: write out the tasks that you can automate. Column 4 – Delegate: write out the tasks that you can dele