

Has your experience with outsourcing been a nightmare? The important thing to remember when it comes to finding good team members for delegation starts with you. If you’ve had “bad luck” with outsources in the past, chances are that you’ve missed a crucial step in the training of your team members. To help ease this frustration, I’ve laid out 3 key things to remember when hiring. 3 Key Steps For Outsourcing: Invest Your Time Now To Achieve Success Later – when you feel like you don’t have enough time for particular tasks, a lot of entrepreneurs will either A) Never take the time to hire out for the job, or B) Hire too quickly, not giving your team proper time or training for the job. Make sure to take enough time early on, so that you can save your time and effort later on with a strong team. Create A Rinse & Repeat System For Everything – entrepreneurs have trouble relinquishing control over certain parts of their business, which can lead to issues when delegating tasks. To quell that feeling, create an