

How do you work smarter and not harder? How do you maximize your profits and minimize your efforts? I have 5 tips to help you do just that. 5 Steps to Work Smarter, Not Harder: Install Leverage – create leveraged offers which allow you to increase your clientele without adding more time to fulfillment. Focus on group offers which can be created once and scaled to multiple customers. Install Automation – ditch manual, repetitive tasks that are dependent on you to work. Instead, focus on setting up an automated system once, that will continue to work for you while you’re sleeping, sick, on vacation, etc. Delegate – take any part of your workload that you don’t “geek out about” and delegate it to someone who does! Use Your Content As Traffic – make sure your content drives traffic into an automated funnel. Content isn’t just content, it can and should be used in tandem with your automation. Plan Ahead – create a 90-day marketing plan to help reduce burnout and overwhelm. Set an income goal for 90 days, calculat