Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

Ep. 8 – Figure Out Exactly What Action Steps To Take In Your Business



When you’re in the process growing your business, it can be tough to decide what your next step should be. With all the information out on the web these days, the stream of gurus, and the onslaught of webinars, every entrepreneur is getting mixed signals on how to move forward. What you need to do first is evaluate which stage of business you’re in. Four Stages of Business: Broke – you’re deep in personal or business debt, afraid of investing more cash that you may or may not have. Your focus if you’re in this stage is to get out of debt. Create a debt payoff plan and take action. Brand New – you’re out of debt, but your business is still new and you may not have a stable cash flow yet. Your focus here should be to sell higher-ticket items and bring in steady revenue. Burnt Out – your business is finally generating revenue, but you’re burnt out trying to keep up with the demands. Your focus here should be to maximize your profits while minimizing your efforts (sound familiar?). Use automation to make this ha