Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

Ep. 5 – The 3-Step System To Attract Leads & Turn Them Into Paying Clients



3 Step Client Life-cycle System This system allowed me to book over 6-figures in 90 days by inspiring over 50 women to join my group coaching program. This system was designed to move a cold prospect who has no idea who you are, into a paying client who raves about you to their friends. Other systems out there are too complicated, so this rinse-and-repeat system is just 3 simple steps. Once implemented, it’s an easy way to bring in money.   Step 1 – Attract You need to attract new leads into your business, specifically by getting them on your mailing list. This way you have easy access to them to move them through the rest of the client life-cycle. Example – The best way to do this is by sending traffic (discussed in episode 3) to a free offer, and in exchange for the free offer they give you their email address.   Step 2 – Nurture Somebody new to you might not be ready just yet with an offer. You want to nurture that relationship, establish yourself as an authority and as a real human that they can know, lik