Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

Ep. 3 – 3 Automated Systems For Scaling Growth & Making Money With Less Work



The 3 Automated Systems No matter the stage of business you’re in (flat broke, making $5K per month or already beyond 7-figures) you need these 3 systems in place. If you’re new in business, you’ll be implementing these manually, and if more established you’ll want to invest to automate these systems. People often overcomplicate marketing, but these three systems are designed to simplify things for you. Using these is exactly how I simplified my own marketing efforts to grow and scale my business.   System 1 – Traffic System This is how you send qualified leads to a particular offer, like a free downloadable pdf with a landing page. If no one goes to the page, no one will opt-in. It’s not enough to just have an offer, you have to send traffic to it. There are three types of traffic: Free Traffic – things like Facebook Group postings or networking meetings Upside: FREE! Downside: very slow and hard to track Paid Traffic – Facebook advertising, Adwords, LinkedIn advertising, sponsoring podcasts or email lis