Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

Ep. 1 – The 3 Simple Steps to Working Smarter, Not Harder



Working Smarter, Not Harder Today’s steps are for entrepreneurs wanting to create a scalable, sustainable and profitable business that they can enjoy. You can create a successful business strictly through hard work, but if you want to make it easier and go beyond just the 6-figures, you’re going to have to truly understand the concept of “smarter, not harder.” Working smarter not only yields more profits and less time doing actual work, but it also yields a greater impact in your client’s lives. Follow these three steps and take a stand against hustle and to create a business that doesn’t force you to make sacrifices.   Step 1 – Install Leveraged Offers The goal is to maximize transformation while minimizing effort. How can you get your clients big results as fast as possible with as little work on them and you as possible? The problem comes from trying to add more services, more bonuses and more access to you in order to give greater value to your clients. The truth is, value comes from transformation, not f